&magicnumber=15&question1=Where was Abraham from?&question2=Where did Rahab live?&question3=Where was Israel defeated because of the sin of Achan?&question4=Who oppressed Israel during the time of Gideon?&question5=What nationality was Goliath?&question6=What nation conquered Israel?&question7=Where was the ship going on which Jonah paid a fare? &question8=Where was the man from out of whom devils were cast into the swine?&question9=Where was Lazarus raised from the dead?&question10=By what city did Jesus talk with a woman by the well?&question11=Saul was from what city?&question12=From where were Paul and Barnabas sent on their first missionary journey?&question13=Where was Paul stoned and left for dead?&question14=Where was Paul when the book of Acts ends?&question15=On what island was John when he wrote the book of Revelation? &question16=&question17=&question18=&question19=&question20=&answer1=Ur&answer2=Jericho&answer3=Ai&answer4=Midian&answer5=Philistine&answer6=Assyria&answer7=Tarshish&answer8=Gadara&answer9=Bethany&answer10=Samaria&answer11=Tarsus&answer12=Antioch&answer13=Lystra&answer14=Rome&answer15=Patmos&answer16=&answer17=&answer18=&answer19=&answer20=&gamename=Geography3&loadresult=Load Success!