This is a self-test on the book of Esther. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these chapters in the Bible and answer the questions at the end of each chapter found at the website Answer the questions below and then click "OK" to send your answers.

question 1

Where was the throne of king Ahasuerus? (1:2)

A Shusan
B Babylon
C Assyria
D Alexandria
E Syria

question 2

Over how many provinces did Ahasuerus reign? (1:1)

A 12
B 24
C 57
D 127
E 193

question 3

Who refused to show her beauty when the king commanded? (1:11-12)

A Vashti
B Esther
C Teresh
D Ruth
E None of the above

question 4

What Jewish lady became queen of Media Persia? (2:17)

A Vashti
B Esther
C Zeresh
D Ruth
E None of the above

question 5

What relation was Esther to Mordecai? (2:7)

A Sister
B Cousin
C Daughter
D Niece
E Granddaughter

question 6

Who sought to lay hands on king Ahasuerus? (2:21)

A Bigthan
B Hegai
C Teresh
D A & B
E A & C

question 7

Who revealed this plot which was eventually made known to the king? (2:22)

A Haman
B Haman’s sons
C Hegai
D Zeresh
E None of the above

question 8

What nationality was Haman? (3:1)

A Agagite
B Moabite
C Hivite
D Hittite
E Jebusite

question 9

Who sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus? (3:5-6)

A Bigthan
B Haman
C Hegai
D Zeresh
E None of the above

question 10

Who asked “Who knows whether you are come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (4:13-14)

A Ahasuerus
B Haman
C Hatach
D Mordecai
E None of the above

question 11

Who said “If I perish, I perish”? (4:15-16)

A Ahasuerus
B Haman
C Hatach
D Mordecai
E None of the above

question 12

What did Esther request Mordecai and the Jews to do? (4:15-16)

A Fast
B Offer up a sacrifice
C Pray
D A & B
E B & C

question 13

What did King Ahasuerus do when Esther came before him uninvited? (5:2)

A Held out his hand
B Held out the golden scepter
C Smiled
D Kissed her
E Told her to leave for thirty days

question 14

How large of a request was the king willing to grant to Esther? (5:3)

A Any thing she asked
B A special house built for her
C A year's time to visit her people
D Up to half of his kingdom
E None of the above

question 15

What did Esther request of the king? (5:4)

A Half of his kingdom
B A special house built for her
C Some time to visit her people
D That the king and Haman come to a banquet she had prepared
E None of the above

question 16

Why was Haman full of indignation? (5:9)

A His wife was not invited to the banquet
B He was not given more advance notice
C Mordecai did not stand up or move for him
D He was not promoted
E None of the above

question 17

What did Haman cause to be made? (5:14)

A A banquet table for Ahasuerus and Esther
B A gallows to hang Mordecai
C A prison for Mordecai
D A stable for his horses
E None of the above

question 18

What happened the night before the banquet for king Ashuerus and Haman? (6:1)

A Esther told the king about Haman’s plot
B The king could not sleep
C The king got sick
D The king had a dream
E None of the above

question 19

Who asked “What shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor?” (6:6)

A Haman
B Ahasuerus
C Mordecai
D Esther
E None of the above

question 20

Who had to lead Mordecai around the city on the king’s horse proclaiming that this is the man the king delights to honor? (6:11)

A Haman
B Hegai
C Zeresh
D A & B
E A & C

question 21

What did Esther reveal at the banquet? (7:3-6)

A She and her people were to be destroyed and slain
B The adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman
C That Haman was planning to hang Mordecai
D All of the above
E A & B

question 22

How did Haman die? (7:10)

A By the sword of Ahasuerus
B Hung to death on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai
C Eaten up by worms
D The Jews killed him
E None of the above

question 23

What did Ahasuerus give to Mordecai? (8:2)

A His golden scepter
B The house of Haman
C The king’s ring which he had taken from Haman
D A & C
E B & C

question 24

What did Esther request when she came again to Ahasuerus? (8:5)

A That Mordecai be promoted
B That letters be sent throughout the king’s provinces allowing the Jews to defend themselves against any that would assault them
C A palace for herself
D That Haman’s wife be hanged on the gallows
E None of the above

question 25

What were the days called which were to be an annual celebration of this deliverance of the Jews from Haman? (9:28)

A Feast of first fruits
B Feast of Tabernacles
C Passover
D Purim
E Unleavened bread

Thank you for taking the test.